February 21, 2013

Book 7: Palimpsest

Catherynne M. Valente

It's always a bit distressing to read a book where you feel, at the end, like a great premise and great potential have gone to waste. Such is the case with Palimpsest, a novel so enamored with its own good ideas that it routinely loses its way, as if driven by its meandering and overwrought, though occasionally mesmerizing, prose. The use of dual tenses and fonts to represent chapters that take place in the world we know and those in the mysterious second kingdom to which the main characters often travel is inspired, but the plot and settings are so often difficult to discern, particularly in the fantastic world of Palimpsest. The reader often feels as lost and disoriented as the characters must, and without the freedom to cast a glance around and find one's footing the effect becomes one of frustration rather than sympathy. Meandering sentences and half-gratifying descriptions do not do much to assist the reader, and by the time one has adjusted to Valente's prose the book is halfway over and the endeavor already rendered mostly futile. This is not to say that Palmipsest lacks imagination or that Valente shows no talent; the concept of a world accessible only through sex is rich with the potential for metaphor, a potential that Valente often taps throughout the novel. The glimpses the reader gets of Palimpsest are often enchanting, Valente has achieved the seemingly impossible in writing touching, well-crafted sex scenes throughout the book, and the plot that allows Valente to explore the book's core themes of interconnectedness and escape is sufficient to carry readers and characters along. But despite these successes, Palimpsest seems to be a book overly concerned with itself, one that is a chore to read and which requires undue efforts to unlock its most appealing secrets.

Grade: C+

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